Yeast Infection Cure

cure yeast infection

How To Cure Yeast Infection?

Yeast Infection Treatments: Understanding Your Options

The second most common vaginal infection that a woman can experience is a yeast infection. With this in mind, it is important for you to have basic information about treating yeast infections. By understanding and having available vital information about treating yeast infections, you will be in a far better position to resolve a yeast infection should you ever find yourself afflicted with such an infection. Through this article, you are provided with the information you will require when it comes to treating yeast infections. Of course, this article is not designed to take the place of consultation with a doctor. If you have specific questions about yeast infections and treating yeast infections, you should talk to your doctor.

Typically, treating yeast infections can be undertaken by using one of four different types of methods or products. These are:

  1. Natural treatments
  2. Anti-fungal creams
  3. Anti-fungal suppositories
  4. Anti-fungal tablets

The selection of one or another of these different types of regimens for treating yeast infection boils down to a matter of preference and personal choice. However, one or another of these different methods for treating yeast infections can work better for different patients. Therefore, you may find that one or another of these treatment delivery systems will work better for you. I personally recommend treating yeast infections naturally; I have listed and recommended top notch yeast infection products below. Imagine being able to cure yourself without spending your time and money at the doctor’s office. (It can be done).

It is also important to note that different regimens for treating yeast infections contain different types of medications. There are instances in which a person can have an adverse reaction to one or another of these formulations. Therefore, it is important for you to have a listing of medications that can be included in a product designed for treating yeast infections. The common medicines that are recommended by doctors include:

  • Butoconazole
  • Clotrimazole (Mycelex-7)
  • Diflucan
  • Gyne-Lotrimi
  • Miconazole
  • Monista
  • Nizoral
  • Nystatint
  • Sporanox
  • Terazol
  • Tioconazole
  • Vagistat
  • Vitaklenz

As with different delivery systems or products, different medications can also prove to more effective in treating a yeast infection in a particular individual. Therefore, there is a chance that you might have to try more than one product to find the most effective regimen for treating yeast infections.

In most instances, when treating yeast infections with medications, you will need to utilize a particular medication one to two times a day for upwards to seven days. You should begin to notice a relief in your symptoms within three to four days. Even though you start to see results within a matter of a few days, you must complete the full course of treatment.

You need to keep in mind that if the symptoms do not generally resolve within seven days, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Moreover, if the symptom – if a yeast infection – recurs within two months, you also need to see your doctor. Finally, if you experience back pain, fever, lower abdominal pain or shoulder pain when you utilize one or another of the regimens for treating yeast infections you need to discontinue the treatment course immediately and see your doctor. The same holds true if you notice the vaginal discharge associated with a yeast infection becoming significantly foul smelling.

Herbal Remedies for Systemic Yeast Infections

A bacterial infection due to Candida albicans is known as yeast infection. Candida albicans actually is a type of yeast or fungi which resides naturally on our bodies in negligible amounts. Yeast infections are quite common inside the vagina of women. Some of the symptoms associated with a vaginal yeast infection are:

  • A thick, odorless, whitish discharge through the vagina.
  • Itching as well as a burning sensation.
  • A burning feeling at the time of urination.
  • Discomfort and pain at the time of sexual intercourse.

Men also do suffer from yeast infections. In most cases, it is women who transmit this condition to men through sexual contacts. Yeast infections can occur on different body parts like around dentures, below the breasts, beneath nails, and also under skin folds like in the area of the lower abdomen. However, yeast mostly thrives in a moist and dark environment like a woman’s vagina.

A lot of women, as well as men who suffer yeast infections, take the help of medications in the form of creams, suppositories or oral tablets. These medications unfortunately only have short-term effects. Certain natural remedies and home treatments can often prove to bring in effective long-term results.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a good choice in treating a yeast infection. The presence of a bacterium called Lactobacillus Acidophilus within yogurt makes it an ideal agent for combating yeast infection. Lactobacillus Acidophilus basically is present in natural course in a normal, healthy vagina. Yogurt effectively eliminates yeast by the formation of hydrogen peroxide. You can make use of a tampon applicator to rub in some yogurt. With this applicator, you can then gently rub over the region of the vulva as well as go about inserting the same inside the vagina. You may repeat this process two times daily until all symptoms disappear. If the yeast infection happens in some other areas of the body, you may directly apply yogurt on the surface keeping it for ten or fifteen minutes daily.

Garlic: Garlic is another wonderful home remedy for yeast infection. It possesses antifungal properties which help in eliminating yeast. A clove of fresh garlic is to be taken and its peel to be removed. The garlic is swathed in cheesecloth or gauze to form a tampon-like thing. The ends are to be tied off with dental floss which is non–waxed. Some floss is to be left with it for hanging out from the vagina to help you take the garlic tampon out later on. The garlic tampon is best left overnight and used regularly until the symptoms of infection appear to fade away.

Tea Tree Oil: This is a very efficient form of treatment for curing a yeast infection. You may buy a small bottle of this liquid from a health food shop. Without using a lubricated applicator, you may put some tea tree oil drops on to a tampon. It is then injected inside the vagina. The process is to be repeated until the symptoms gradually vanish. Another alternative is to go for douche treatment with tea tree oil to cure a yeast infection. You may blend one teaspoonful of tea tree oil with another teaspoon of rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. The solution which will appear milky white is to be stored in a dropper bottle. The douche is to be prepared by adding ten drops of the mixture to water (which is about a pint). You have to rinse your vagina using the douche at least for seven days, once daily. However, if you are pregnant and suffering from yeast infection, it is better to avoid using tea tree oil.

Apple-cider vinegar: This has numerous other health benefits apart from aiding in the fight against a yeast infection. Direct application on the skin is not recommended since the product is extremely strong. For an external application, you may pour about a cup of the Apple – Cider vinegar into the bathwater. A hot, relaxing bath will help soothe your irritation at least temporarily. However make sure you do not go for white, normal vinegar which does not kill the yeast but actually nurtures it.

Water: Drinking eight to ten glasses of pure, filtered water each day helps flush out sugars from the body, on which the yeast feeds. This is the most natural remedy for yeast infections.

Oregano oil: This is a wonderful herb which needs to be taken internally each day. The presence of a high degree of carvacrol is effective in treating yeast infections.

Honey: This is a great way to cure many types of yeast infection and it is especially good for vaginal yeast infections. Of course, it can be quite messy so it is advised that you have a bath after applying the honey. The best way to use honey is to apply it to the affected area and leave it on for around 20 minutes. After this take a bat hand wash the honey away. If you do this twice a day, preferably in the morning and then at night, you should hopefully notice that it helps to clear up the infection.

For treating a yeast infection of the mouth, you have to consume cool liquids and rinse the mouth with salted warm water. It is best to avoid sugars. Follow these useful home remedies before resorting to medications.

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