Yeast Infection FAQ

How did I get a yeast infection? How did I get a yeast infection?

Often, antibiotics are the problem. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your system; the “bad guys” and the “good guys”. When this happens, Candida albicans, the main player in the cause of yeast infections can get out of control and overgrow. When this occurs, you may get a vaginal yeast infection.

How do I get rid of it the fastest way?

The best and most sure way is to get a supply of “good bacteria” acidophilus back into your intestinal tract. There are many ways to treat a yeast infection (some take effect very quickly). Each person responds differently to treatment, so you will need to look at the methods I have outlined and determine which one works best for you. However, if you can get at the underlying cause of the infection, perhaps the darn things won’t come back.

 Why do my yeast infections keep coming back?

If you are prone to recurring yeast infections, you probably have candidiasis. This is a condition possibly caused by the use of oral antibiotics, oral acne medications, birth control pills, corti-steroids and even stress. Basically, your intestinal flora is out of whack and until you get it back on track you will probably continue to experience yeast infections. Thankfully, it is possible to get your system balanced again and once you do, your chronic yeast infections may be a thing of the past. Please see the chapter on Candidiasis for more information.

Can a yeast infection kill me?

Although it may feel as if it is killing you, I do not think yeast infections are fatal; just extremely uncomfortable. However, if you have a systemic yeast infection it is important to know that in my opinion, this is a progressive disease. And once it gains a foothold, it will not go away on its own and may develop into some of the conditions I have listed here.

Can I get pregnant while I have a yeast infection and will it affect the baby?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant while you have a yeast infection. Sperm is not killed by the presence of a Candida overgrowth. The baby should be fine during the term of your pregnancy but may contract a “yeast infection” usually in the form of oral thrush or skin rashes during delivery. Sometimes these conditions may take a while to manifest. Please see the chapter on Children and Yeast Infections.

Why does it burn when I urinate when I have a yeast infection?

A yeast infection may cause a breakdown in the skin around the infected area which results in an open area or irritation on the skin where the yeast rash is present. The reason it burns when you urinate is the acidic urine is passing over an open “sore” and causing you a lot of pain. Burning upon urination is also a common indication of a urinary tract infection. To determine the difference between burning caused by a yeast infection versus a urinary tract infection pay attention to when the burning starts. In a urinary tract infection, the burning will start when the urine passes through the urinary tract. In a yeast infection, the burning will start when the urine passes over the irritated skin of the vulva.

Can a yeast infection cause a skin rash on the surrounding areas (e.g., thighs)?

Yes, Candida albicans can cause a skin rash. The rash is usually red, it may be patchy and ooze small amounts of whitish fluid. The rash may also be itchy and might burn. If it responds favorably to an anti-fungal cream, it is almost certainly caused by a yeast infection that has spread to the skin.

Can bleeding occur with a vaginal yeast infection

Although bleeding is not typical in a vaginal yeast infection, it is possible. Other things possibly responsible for bleeding include cervical polyps, trichomoniasis, endometritis, uterine polyps, fibroid tumors. If you experience unexplained bleeding it is advisable to get to a doctor and figure out why it is occurring.

Is there a connection between candida and thyroid problems?

It does appear that there may be a connection between candida and thyroid problems. It is fairly common that people who suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism seem to have candida infections. It may be worth treating for candida to determine if symptoms thought to be caused by thyroid problems improve. If they do, then your thyroid problems may be linked to a candida overgrowth.

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